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5 Things Expecting Mums Need to Stop Worrying Over


Updated: Feb 11, 2019

Pregnancy anxiety – every mother goes through it.

It seems like anything and everything can go wrong. And if a small thing does flop, it feels like the world will collapse. But the fact is that the facts are a lot more reassuring than you might think!

Here are the top five common Pregnancy anxieties that you should stop worrying about.

#5 Breastfeeding

What will life be like once your baby arrives? If you choose to breastfeed, will you have trouble coping with the pain? Will your baby even latch?

These are only a few of the common concerns new mothers have about feeding their little ones. But in reality, 90 percent or more of women who breastfeed are able to completely handle it. Your body knows better than even you what your little one needs and instinctively matches to your baby’s needs.

So, sit back, and let nature take its course! And if you still find yourself anxious, having a lactation counselor or someone who’s had experience breastfeeding by your side can be reassuring.

For more breastfeeding tips and things to take note, check out our article Breastfeeding for New Mummies

#4 Other Mums

Let’s face it.

When you’re expecting, Facebook and Instagram are not your friends at all. You’ll probably start getting anxious about whether you’ll be able to afford to bring your kids for Abacus classes or for holidays across the globe like The Other Mums – you don’t have to!

It’s natural to compare but every child and every family is different. One family’s holiday can be another’s nightmare. Even going for maternity classes may not adequately prepare you for your little coming soon.

Instead, take the time to think about what you really want for your new family. Make every step along the way be your family’s decision, not the decision of social media and The Other Mums!

#3 The Baby’s Future

In Singapore, money can be tight when you’re raising kids of your own. So, another big concern is when you should start saving up. According to calculations made by The Asian Parent, it can take up to SGD $340,000 to raise one child from infancy to 21 years of age – that’s a massive amount!

To avoid budget concerns post-child, plan ahead. Know exactly how much you need to save a month, and stick to it. When your little one arrives, learn to save together as a family and it’ll build thrifty habits.

Before you know it, you’ll have a solid nest egg to send off with your little one!

#2 Complications

Congenital diseases, pregnancy complications, issues with the umbilical cord – these are likely worries that keep you up at night. They feed your anxieties and fears because it seems like everyone’s talking about it. The worst is that when you stress over these things, you start stressing over whether your stress will affect the baby and that stresses you out even more – and the cycle repeats.

But rest assured. Today’s technology is a far cry from what it used to be. Most complications and issues can be detected way ahead of time. This gives you your doctors all the time to prepare.

If you’re still troubled, read up on the complications that could occur. Know their symptoms and stay vigilant. Getting Maternity cover could potentially be life-saving too.

Nevertheless, know that 85% of pregnancies go smoothly and most of the ones that don’t, still end up producing healthy babies in the long run.

#1 Being a Good Mummy

Concern Number One on every soon-to-be-mother’s mind is most likely whether they’ll be a good mum. Will I teach my kids well? Will my kids be successful? Will they happy in the future?

With so many things that could go wrong, it might seem impossible to get it right. In truth, being a good mum is much easier than you might think.

First of all, it’s almost all instinct. Your body knows how to care for your child. The parts of you that don’t, can easily remedy the problem with a little research. Regardless, whether you’re doing the right things or not, your little one will love you no matter what.

Eventually, your little coming soon will smile, laugh, make funny noises and eventually they’ll learn how to walk and talk – and every bout of morning sickness, every splitting headache over bills and worries will all be worth it.

If you wish to learn more about maternity insurance and what it can do for you and your newborn, click here to have a chat with a consultant here. The first 50 to register will also walk away with a Limited edition Disney Baby Gift set worth over $50

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