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Controversies About Breastfeeding


There is a massive controversy about breastfeeding in the world, Singapore included. There are many advantages to breastfeeding, but disadvantages never fail to follow. Here are some of the factors to consider before walking down the road of breastfeeding.


High in proteins

During the first few days, a new mother's breast milk contains colostrum, which is high in proteins. The proteins from colostrum will help in the development of the baby's digestive system, brain, and immune system. Colostrum is a form of nutrition that fits best with the baby's needs, and providing a newborn with it via breastfeeding would be significantly ideal.

Breast milk is highly nutritious than formula

Experts state that breastmilk is much superior to baby formula when it comes to nutrition. Breast milk contains cholesterol, and both saturated and unsaturated fats, which are all essential for a baby. As stated above, breast milk helps with the newborn's immune system, giving the body the strength to fight infections, diarrhea, and food allergies. For example, breast milk contains lysozymes that fight viruses and bacteria in the baby's body. Also, as compared to regular milk or formula milk, breast milk, along with its vitamins and minerals, is the most digestible for a baby.

Breastfed babies have higher IQ

Due to being breastfed, babies will have more significant brain development, which increases IQ. Want a smart baby? Maybe breastfeeding is your answer!

More contact, emotional health

Creating bonds happen from birth. Mothers hold their babies more when breastfeeding, which helps with the Mother-Child bond. Babies with more physical contact from their Mothers tend to benefit more emotionally. The baby would be able to focus on the Mother's face during breastfeeding, creating lots of visual communication. Mothers can sing and communicate with their babies during the feeding session, which can help with bonding.

In a nutshell, breastfeeding has its benefits, such as nutrition superiority and the creation of bonds between Mother and baby. However, like many things, breastfeeding is a double-edged sword. What are some of the factors you have to consider before breastfeeding your baby?

Breastfeeding is uncomfortable

Imagine your baby sucking and biting on you every day and night. Especially when it is your first time, having a baby sucking from your nipples, a sensitive organ, can be uncomfortable. However, once you start breastfeeding, it might be difficult to stop or get rid of breastfeeding. So, think wisely!

Babies feed OFTEN

Let's say you have decided to breastfeed your newborn. Imagine your baby crying randomly during the day and middle of the night, wanting milk. Will you be able to wake up and feed your baby? How long can you keep up with it? Do you have a sufficient supply of milk for your baby?

Inability to measure the intake

Because the milk is not from a milk bottle (which gives a measurement), Mothers will not be able to know if their babies are overfed. How long are you supposed to feed your baby?

Breastfeeding in Public - Is it right?

Finally, the most considerable controversy! One of the main concerns of breastfeeding is feeding your baby in public. Even in Singapore, there is an ongoing debate on breastfeeding in public. A couple of years back, a photo of a Mother openly breastfeeding in the train was posted on Facebook, triggering a great discussion in the comments. She had no form of cover for her breasts, and it has captured much attention from many. Of course, as compared to earlier days, the idea of public breastfeeding has been accepted. Many started opening up their minds to seeing Mothers feeding in public. However, does that mean a Mother should expose her whole breast in public, standing behind the defense that "Mothers have rights," and people should "stop sexualizing"?

What is your opinion with regards to this controversy? Despite the many views about breastfeeding, we can infer that breast milk is highly advantageous for babies, and we all want the best for our babies. However, you have to consider your health and commitment before deciding - you will have to be healthy and eager to see breastfeeding to the end. Hopefully, this article helps you to encourage more consideration if breastfeeding is worth it!

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