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Breastfeeding for New Mummies


Updated: Feb 11, 2019

Breastfeeding your newborn is one of the most intimate activities in a new mummy’s life. It’s fulfilling and allows you to shower your baby with love and some TLC – but it may also be an uncomfortable and draining affair at times.

With the busy schedule of the average Singaporean mummy in mind, here are 5 vital breastfeeding tips you need to know right now.

#1 Get a Lactation Consultant

Anything that makes breastfeeding a chore needs to go.

And Certified Lactation Consultants know exactly what you need to make breastfeeding the unique maternal experience it actually is. In Singapore, almost every hospital offers lactation consultations, with KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital’s Ask-A-Nurse Helpline running to midnight every night. If you’re willing to fork out a little more, Baby Cafes run by Mother and Child Singapore also provide in-house consultations and home visits to ease your transition into motherhood.

#2 Start Early

Experts say the best time to start breastfeeding is within the first hour after birth – the closest you can get to that, the better. During this time, your little one’s suckling reflex is the strongest. This makes it much easier to get them to latch correctly. Plus, your lactation consultant or the hospital nurses are right there to assist and the “skinship” involved in the action also lets your newborn bond with you right away!

#3 Breastfeeding Tools are a Must!

After the initial confinement period, it’s right back to the hustle. And for the average new mummy that means juggling parenthood with either work or household errands.

The solution is to have a light bag full of breastfeeding add-ons - a handy nursing pillow for outings, soothing packs and cream for breast soreness, Salonpas patches and pain relief pills for pesky back pain and towels, just to name a few. For those working away from your little coming soon, finding the right breast pump can be a life saver.

#4 Technique, Technique, Technique

Breastfeeding often feels uncomfortable simply because its being done wrong. The truth is, no matter how many classes you go for, every mother nurses differently.

Listen to suggestions by others, whether it’s to cradle your little one, or feed them lying on your side. Don’t be afraid to try new methods because finding the right position will enhance not only your experience, but also your newborn’s. The added benefit is that certain positions could help drain your breasts better, avoiding the common problem of blocked ducts later on.

#5 Do Your Homework

When it comes to breastfeeding your little coming soon, don’t let anything take you by surprise. For instance, in the first few days of breastfeeding, your milk might be sticky and yellowish – but that’s actually nothing to worry about as it’s a special kind of milk called colostrum that is low in carbohydrates and fat but rich in protein. While it’s true that your body instinctively does most of the work, you want to be informed if something isn’t going right.

If you wish to learn more about maternity insurance and what it can do for you and your newborn, click here to have a chat with a consultant here. The first 50 to register will also walk away with a Limited edition Disney Baby Gift set worth over $50

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